A. If your recipients use Outlook, Hotmail (and other Microsoft webmail services), or Gmail, they may see an indication in the email that it was sent on your behalf instead of just your “FROM” name and address.
To remove the “on behalf of” or “via” you need to set up domain authentication in “Configure Account”. If you need assistance setting up the domain authentication contact our support.
For the best deliverability, we also recommend setting up DMARC Email Authentication. DMARC includes setting up the domain authentication, so this will also remove the “on behalf of” or “via” in the From email address and increase your deliverability. You can see how to set this up here.
If you have Email Authentication turned on in your Email Campaign Configuration, certain email clients such as Outlook and Gmail will display the extra sender information. Email Authentication is a way for email recipients to verify that the email was sent by who it claims to be from. For better deliverability, we highly recommend leaving email authentication turned on. Depending on the email client or ESP the way the From address is displayed may differ.
Regardless of Email Authentication being turned on in your Email Campaign Configuration we automatically authenticate for these email recipients domains in your contact list. (@gmail.com, *@yahoo.*, *@rocketmail.com, *@sbcglobal.net, *@ovi.com, *@ymail.com, *@lamitca.com, *@msn.com, *@hotmail.*, *@live.*, *@verifier.port25.com, *@cox.com, etc.)